SmartSupport 2.1.0
The app for mobile and worldwide collaboration in service andmaintenance
AmaTron Twin 2.3.10
With the AmaTron Twin App, AMAZONE offers a screen extension fortheAmaTron 4 ISOBUS control terminal. Using the app, the drivercancomfortably display the field view on a mobile device. Whilethesafety-relevant implement operation remains on the AmaTron 4,GPSfunctions can be operated in parallel using the AmaTron TwinApp. Touse it, a tablet is simply connected to the AmaTron 4controlterminal through a local Wi-Fi hotspot. In addition to themap view,certain functions can also be used, such as creatingfieldboundaries, track lines, a virtual headland, and points ofinterest.The processing of application maps and the use ofpart-width sectioncontrols are also displayed on the mobiledevice. In doing so, theimplement is clearly shown on the tabletas a 3D model. The entire8-inch display of the AmaTron 4 can thenbe used for implementoperation and checking the implement data.Thanks to the AmaTronTwin App, the driver always has an eye on allapplications of theirterminal. The AmaTron Twin App works inconjunction with the AMAZONEAmaTron 4 control terminal and isavailable for Android devices withAndroid 7 and later.
mySpreader 1.1.26
The all-in-one package for perfect spreader adjustment consistingofthe FertiliserService database, the digital and mobileEasyChecktest kit and the EasyMix App for blended fertilisers ThemySpreaderApp bundles three functions for Amazone fertiliserspreaders intothe one App. The intuitive operation and convenientadjustment ofthe fertiliser spreader lies at the heart of theall-in-oneconcept. The FertiliserService App conveniently generatepreciseadjustment recommendations directly in the field, dependingon themodel of spreader, working width, fertiliser type andapplicationrate. Thanks to the many samples sent in annually byfarmers,fertiliser suppliers and fertiliser manufacturers, the Appisconstantly kept up-to-date so that the end user has accesstocurrent information at the start of every season. A specialfeatureof the mySpreader App: the operator can search forfertilisers byentering the fertiliser name, the chemicalcomposition, the granulesize or bulk density, for example. Thesecond element of themySpreader App is the digital and mobileEasyCheck test kit. Inthis test kit, plastic mats are simply placedin the field atdefined intervals, spread over and thenphotographed. EasyCheckthen calculates the degree of coverage ofeach mat. Based on thesevalues, the App suggests improved settingsfor the lateraldistribution of that fertiliser through the Amazonespreader,allowing the operator to rapidly optimise the accuracy oftheircrop care. The mySpreader App is rounded off by the EasyMixApp,which works out setting recommendations for blendedfertilisers.Different fertilisers are often mixed together to saveon thenumber of applications and so reduce operating costs. Thisisusually a nutrient-based fertiliser application. However, iftheconstituents in the blend have different physicalproperties,precise placement becomes increasingly difficult,especially atincreasing working widths. EasyMix determines the bestpossiblecompromise between different constituents and suggests theoptimalsetting values for the ZA-TS and ZG-TS spreaders. The newAmazonemySpreader App has now combined the benefits of all the Appsinorder to optimise any synergies. A Bluetooth adapter andlicenceactivation for ISOBUS spreaders is available as a specialadditionwith the Spreader Connect option. Via this interface, allthesettings for the spreader can be transferred from themySpreaderApp to the AMAZONE fertiliser spreader, where thesettings areautomatically stored and adjusted. This saves time andavoids anysetting errors, whilst, at the same time, beingextremelyconvenient.
myAmaRouter 1.008
AMAZONE data exchange App for online transmission of databetweenAMAZONE machines and the agrirouter. The myAmaRouter appacts as alink between the ISOBUS control terminal AmaTron 4 andthemanufacturer-independent data exchange platform agrirouter.Variousproviders of Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS)andapplication map manufacturers can connect to the agrirouterandtransfer data via it. If job data or application maps are tobeused on an AMAZONE machine, the data can beconvenientlytransferred from the agrirouter to the AmaTron 4 viathemyAmaRouter app. The mobile device communicates with the AmaTron4via a local WLAN. Conversely, jobs completed on the AmaTron 4canbe sent back to the agrirouter via the myAmaRouter app andareavailable in the FMIS for documentation. In this way, a simpleandsecure way of transferring personal data is created.ThemyAmaRouter app works in conjunction with the AMAZONEterminalAmaTron 4 and is available for Android devices from version7.
SmartLearning 1.7.2
Video Tutorials for Amazone - Products
AmaTron Twin - Vorgängerversion 2.2.9
AMAZONE Displayerweiterung App zur komfortableren DarstellungderFeldansicht mittels Tablet-Integration +++ HINWEIS: DIese Appistmit dem Softwarestand AmaTron 4 - E.024 kompatibel +++AMAZONEbietet mit der AmaTron Twin App eine Bildschirmerweiterungfür dasISOBUS-Terminal AmaTron 4 an. Der Fahrer kann sich mit HilfederApp die Feldansicht komfortabel auf einem mobilen Endgerätanzeigenlassen. Während die sicherheitsrelevante Maschinenbedienungauf demAmaTron 4 verbleibt, können GPS-Funktionen parallel überdieAmaTron Twin App bedient werden. Für die Nutzung wird einfacheinTablet mittels eines lokalen WLAN-HotSpots mit demBedien-TerminalAmaTron 4 verbunden. Neben der Kartenansicht könnenebenfallsFunktionen, wie das Anlegen von Feldgrenzen, Spurlinien,einemvirtuellen Vorgewende und Hinweispunkten erfolgen. DasAbarbeitenvon Applikationskarten und die Anwendung vonTeilbreitenschaltungenwerden ebenfalls auf dem mobilen Endgerätangezeigt. Dabei wird aufdem Tablet die Arbeitsmaschineübersichtlich als 3D-Modelldargestellt. Für die Maschinenbedienungund Prüfung derMaschinendaten kann dann komplett das 8 Zoll großeDisplay desAmaTron 4 genutzt werden. Dank der AmaTron Twin App hatder Fahrerimmer alle Anwendungen seines Terminals im Blick. DieAmaTron TwinApp funktioniert in Verbindung mit dem AMAZONE-TerminalAmaTron 4und ist für Android-Geräte ab Version 7 verfügbar.
mySeeder 2.3.2
Operation for AMAZONE seed drills